ENVS Colloquium

Dr. Conroy-Ben


3 – 4 p.m., Today

This Monday, February 10th, the ENVS department colloquium will be hosting Dr. Conroy-Ben from Arizona State University in Marley 230 from 3-4pm! Dr. Conroy-Ben is also the Spring 2025 Indigenous Resilience Center Visiting Scholar and will be presenting “Wastewater-Based Epidemiology in Tribal Communities”. Please see the flyer attached and a brief bio below!


If you cannot make it in person, the zoom link is as follows:



Password: 723391


Dr. Otakuye Conroy-Ben, Oglala Lakota, is originally from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. A first-generation college student, she went on to receive a BS in Chemistry from the University of Notre Dame, and a MA in Chemistry, MS in Environmental Engineering, PhD in Environmental Engineering all from the University of Arizona. Her postdoctoral co-appointments were in biochemistry and environmental science, also from the University of Arizona. She is currently an Associate Professor of environmental engineering at ASU where she researches wastewater treatment and pollution, Tribal water quality, mining remediation, wastewater-based epidemiology, and bacterial multidrug resistance. Dr. Conroy-Ben teaches courses in environmental engineering, environmental organic chemistry, and soil and groundwater remediation.