Renee Tsinigine Holt
Dr. Renee Tsinigine Holt (Navajo/Nez Perce) is a Post Doctoral Research Scholar for the Indigenous Resilience Center (IRes). She is from the Tsé naha bił nii (With the Rock or Sleeping Rock) clan, born and raised by Tł izi łání (Many Goats) clan, her maternal clan is Tsí naa’jinii (Black Streaked Wood) and her paternal clan is Bįįh’bitoo’ni (Deer in Water or Deer Spring) and Nez Perce. She received her Ph.D. in Cultural Studies and Social Thought in Education at the Washington State University-Pullman under the mentorship of Dr. Francene Watson.
Renée was raised on Navajo Nation with K’é in Lupton, LeChee, Coppermine, and Tuba City. Prior to joining IRes, she was a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Idaho working with Native American Law Faculty & Student Association and the Indigenous CIRCLES faculty before joining the University of Arizona. Her research foci centers Indigenous healing, ancestral ways of knowing, Indigenous resilience research, education, outreach, and providing culturally sustaining student support for undergraduate and graduate student ambassadors of the Native-FEWSS (Native Food, Energy & Water Security and Sovereignty) program.
Renée is honored to be a member of the Indigenous Resilience Center and looks forward to working with faculty, staff, students, and communities in environmental resiliency research that further develops and supports local, regional, and national partnerships in Indigenous environmental sustainability for future generations. To learn about IRes updates, opportunities, and events, please join our mailing list.