Native Food, Energy, Water Systems Alliance Distinguished Speaker Series

Native Fewss


All Day, Feb. 8, 2024

The dual vision of the Native FEWS Alliance (the Alliance) is to build a highly skilled Native American (NA) STEM workforce at the nexus of Food, Energy and Water and to co-innovate and deploy Indigenous place-based FEWS education and community partnerships. The Alliance’s goals are to:

  • Address urgent FEWS challenges in Indigenous communities.
  • Co-develop integrated, Indigenous, place-based FEWS curricula, mentoring, and practice experiences.
  • Transform institutional STEM fields to be relevant and accessible to Indigenous communities.
  • Use curricula and interventions to recruit, retain and graduate Indigenous students to pursue higher education and careers in FEWS and bring their knowledge back to their communities.

To accomplish these goals with an aim to increase and widen career opportunities relevant to NA communities, the Alliance will connect an array of professional FEWS pathways by aligning a network of many Indigenous-focused programs into a cohesive partnership.


Sponsors: NSF #2120001, #2120035, UC Berkeley (Blum Center for Developing Economies, Native American Student Development, American Indian Graduate Program) 


Speaker: Kim Tallbear, Professor, Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Indigenous People, Technoscience and Society

Time: Thu, Feb 8, 2024, time TBD

Location: Anthony Hall (Native American Student Development) UC Berkeley


Speaker: Stan Rodriguez, President of Kumeyaay Community College, Established in 2004 by the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation and located on the Sycuan Indian Reservation near El Cajon 

Time: Fri, Apr 5, 2024, 11:00 AM -12:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada

Location: Blum Hall (B100), UC Berkeley

Meeting ID: 989 3382 9019

Passcode: 416525

Zoom Registration Link:


Speaker: Marlene Watson, Bachelor of Arts Degree in Architecture from the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) in 1985. She holds three master’s degrees: Master of Arts in Architecture (UC Berkeley, 1991), Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Construction and Engineering Management (UC Berkeley, 1992), and Master of Divinity (Fuller Theological Seminary, 2012).

Time: Fri, Apr 19, 2024, 11:00 AM -12:30 PM Time (US and Canada)

Location: Blum Hall (B100), UC Berkeley

Zoom Registration Link:

Meeting ID: 974 2827 7612

Passcode: 804329


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